
Stellar Platforms Newsletter

For experts and entrepreneurs who want smart marketing systems that increase their influence, income, and impact. Written by an 🇺🇸 American digital nomad living in 🇳🇿 New Zealand, Caelan started his career as an acrobat in the circus. 🎪 He wrote the book on Marketing Yourself 📙 and is on a mission to help one million people develop a playful attitude about life. ✨

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The Show Must Go On! Even when your tech fails....

Hello Reader, Picture this: Your 3-hour Zoom workshop just started, and your computer freezes! 😬 What do you do? The show must go on! In last week's Magnetic Messages Masterclass, my computer froze precisely at 10:01 am. (My suspicion, for other event hosts, is: I was sharing a Zoom whiteboard in a browser window, and annotating with a couple of people, when a dozen people arrived all at once. Adding them to the meeting, and having to handle screensharing AND adding people to the Annotation...

Hello Reader, How do you handle writer's block? You decide to write, and you sit down to gather your thoughts, and...nothing happens. The blank page is taunting you. Daring you to keep silent. What I've found helpful is to start with copywriting exercises. A simple prompt that gives you a border to your canvas. This is good for getting you going - but often, when it's time to write, there's a specific function we are looking to fulfill. There's an article to write, or a brochure to create, or...

This email is about my upcoming Magnetic Messages Masterclass. You can mute this topic here, and I won’t email you about it. Hello Reader, If you’re struggling to create messages that capture your audience’s attention, keep reading… If you value expert guidance to streamline your marketing and answer your questions in real-time, keep reading… AND… if you understand that effective communication is crucial for business success, keep reading… At the end of this month, I’m hosting a live,...

Hello Reader, New ideas are only found in surprise. Before Thomas Edison demonstrated the electric lamp on 31 December 1879, he was a laughingstock in the press. "I have not failed," he famously said, "I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." To innovate something new, Edison had to leave behind what he already knew. New ideas are only found in surprise. What you already know will not help you discover anything new, unless you take your knowledge into the unknown. There are things you...

Hello Reader, It took me an extra two years to get around to it, but I finally recorded Marketing Yourself as an audiobook. If you're the type of person who prefers to listen to your book, then let me read you a story:

Hello Reader, Multiple revisions make better content. Every draft is another chance to get it perfect. But once you stop, you are stuck with what you've got. Sometimes I publish fast - when you're prolific and you like to publish, it's easier to tweet out an idea than write a list of dozens of revisions. "Done is better than perfect" can be good advice for a short video. But if you want to create something high quality, sometimes the quickest path is through high quantity. More options gives...

Hello Reader, When it's time to market yourself, promote your products, and sell your services, most marketing tells a story about the business. This is a common mistake. "When you're going to the market with what you're selling, everybody doesn't care." - Seth Godin The story your customer wants to hear is not your story. It's boring, and it's irrelevant, and it won't cut through the noise to get their attention. But if you tell your customer their own story, you earn their attention. In the...

Hello Reader, Recently I taught an improv workshop at the local repertory theatre. We played many fun games, rapid games which sharpened our wits and made us laugh. What made this workshop work so well was the bell. Whenever the bell sounded, two things happened: Everyone onstage took a bow and went offstage, and Everyone in the audience clapped. This gave a positive, uplifting, and successful finish to each game. Every skit was an intellectually and emotionally demanding experience. The...

Hello Reader, Does your marketing suck too much? Your marketing can suck less - less of your time, your money, and your emotions. Marketing Automation is the process of articulating, standardizing, and automating every step in the Customer Journey - the path from stranger to customer. Automation keeps you from repeating yourself. The time you spend making systems earns you exponentially more time in the future. Let the robots do the grunt work, and your marketing will stop sucking so much...

Hello Reader, A good power-up is easy to start & easy to select. When Mario is running through Bowser's kingdom, stomping on turtles and dodging fireballs, he needs to see his power-up clearly. Seeing such an obvious (and visible) power-up makes his choice easy, and fast, and simple. Grabbing the magic mushroom turns him into Super Mario, and that's what your power-ups can do for you - if they are easily accessible. The Personal Power-Up List Take a few minutes and write down a list of...