↔️ The 6 Currencies of Exchange ↔️

Hello Reader,

We trade value between 6 currencies of exchange:

  • 😃 Happiness 😃
  • 📣 Attention 📣
  • ⏰ Time ⏰
  • 💰 Money 💰
  • 🏅 Reputation🏅
  • 💡 Innovation💡

A far deal trades one of these 6 currencies for another, at a rate of exchange that benefits everyone.

Living in New Zealand, I often have to exchange monetary currencies. Somebody pays me in US Dollars, and I have to convert that currency into New Zealand dollars to buy something at a local store.

The conversion rate between these currencies can fluctuate. On some days, $1 USD is worth $1.57 NZD. Other days, it's worth $1.65. The rate of exchange between these currencies is determined by the market, and the going rate fluctuates up and down.

Looking beyond the currency of 💰 Money 💰, there are also currencies of 😃 Happiness 😃, 🏅 Reputation 🏅, 📣 Attention 📣, ⏰ Time ⏰, and even 💡Innovation 💡.

You get to decide the exchange rate.

If you want to make a trade, from happiness to money, or time for reputation, you decide what is a fair trade.

  • Volunteering for 4 hours on a Saturday ⏰ ↔️ 🏅 the respect of the members of the Board
  • Sharing a clever social media post 📣 ↔️ 💡 contributing a clever idea to your community
  • Leaving work early on a Friday 💰 ↔️ 😃 to go goof off with your family

What's a fair trade? As Publilius Syrus said, "Everything is worth what it's purchaser will pay for it." If you can find someone to make an exchange and agree it's a fair deal, then that's the going rate.

If you're having a hard time making an exchange, here's an easy hack: donating one of these currencies can incentivize a trade between two others.

The Rule of Thumb - give generously four times before you make a request - uses the donation of 💡Innovation 💡 and 📣 Attention 📣 to earn the right to request 💰 Money 💰 or ⏰ Time ⏰ .

When I held a Virtual Book Launch Party for the #MarketingYourselfBook last week, I was asking people to donate ⏰ Time ⏰ and 📣 Attention 📣. In return, I offered 😃 Happiness 😃 and 💡Innovation 💡. We played some fun games and had a great time.

This weekend, I contacted everyone who had written an endorsement for the book, and asked them to copy/paste their review onto Amazon.

This was a delicate exchange. I was asking them to donate time ⏰ Time ⏰ to give me 🏅 Reputation 🏅.

So I wanted to make their donation of ⏰ Time ⏰ as minimal as possible. I copy/pasted their pre-written review from my Endorsements page, and sent them the link to leave an Amazon review. Instead of asking them to re-do their work, the burden of my request was much lighter, since all they had to do was copy/paste and click.

(Click that link above if you'd like to give me 5 stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ )

(You can also leave a review on Goodreads, if you prefer.)

All this week, I will be exchanging 🏅 Reputation 🏅 for 📣 Attention 📣. Whenever someone posts on the #MarketingYourselfBook hashtag, I make sure to like, comment, and share the post.

If you'd like to join the conversation, click to review and contribute to:

To everyone who bought a book or left a review, THANK YOU! I appreciate your support.

If you'd like to join the club, click to get your copy of Marketing Yourself.

Stellar Platforms Newsletter

For experts and entrepreneurs who want smart marketing systems that increase their influence, income, and impact. Written by an 🇺🇸 American digital nomad living in 🇳🇿 New Zealand, Caelan started his career as an acrobat in the circus. 🎪 He wrote the book on Marketing Yourself 📙 and is on a mission to help one million people develop a playful attitude about life. ✨

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